How is AI used in Oncology departments in the UK?
It’s nearly three years since the government unveiled its Long Term Cancer Plan for the NHS in England[1] which included an ambitious target to ensure that by 2028, 5,000 more people each year survive their cancer for five years or more. Improving the quality of screening and speed of diagnosis was a major part of the government’s strategy to achieve this. As an NHSx grant award winner[3] we wanted to understand the challenges that clinicians face and their views on how technology could help them to overcome them. We conducted 50 surveys and a roundtable discussion on key themes including technology adoption, the role of AI, the skills & recruitment gap, and consistency & standardization. Register below to receive the free report of the key findings.
[1] https://www.longtermplan.nhs.uk/ [3] https://www.nhsx.nhs.uk/ai-lab/ai-lab-programmes/ai-health-and-care-award/ai-health-and-care-award-winners/ Fill out the following form to download the report